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Monday, 29 June 2020

The Overload Anachronism In C++| The Overload Anachronism In C++ In Hindi

The Overload Anachronism In C++

When c++ was created the keyword was required to create an overload function. It is obsoleted and no longer used or supports. Indeed, it is not even  a reserved word in standard c++. Because you might encounter  older program and for its historical interest, it is a good idea to know how overload was used.

Overload func-name;

image of The Overload Anachronism In C++
Fig:The Overload Anachronism In C++

Here, func- name is the name of the function that you will be overloading. This statement must process the overloaded declaration.

For example: 

 This tell an old-style compiler that you will be overloading a function called test():

Overload test();

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