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Saturday, 7 November 2020

Computer Fundamentals-Types | Explain Computer Fundamentals-Types | Types Of Computer Fundamentals | Computer Fundamentals-Types In Hindi


Types Of Computer Based On Size

Computer can be broadly classified by their speed and computer power.

There are 5 types of computer fundamentals.

    1.    PC(Personal Computer)

    2.    Workstation

    3.    Mini Computer   

    4.    Main Frame

    5.    Supercomputer


     1.   PC (personal Computer)

It is a single user computer system having moderately powerful microprocessor. A PC can be defined as a small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. PCs are based on the microprocessor technology that enable manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip.

Although personal computer are designed as single-user systems, these systems are normally linked together to a form a network. At home, the most popular use for personal computer is playing games and surfing the Internet.

PC (Personal Computer) Image In Computer Fundamental

Fig: PC (Personal Computer) In Computer Fundamental


     2.   Workstation


It is also a single user computer system, similar to personal computer however has a more powerful microprocessor. Workstation is a computer used for engineering application (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing, software development, and other such type of application  which require a moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities.

Workstation generally come with a large, high-resolution graphics screen, large amount of  RAM, inbuilt network support, and a graphical user interface.

Workstation Image In Computer Fundamental

Fig: Workstation  In Computer Fundamental


    3.   Minicomputer


It is a multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously.

It is a midsize multi-processing system capable of supporting up to 25o users simultaneously.


MiniComputer Image In Computer Fundamental

Fig: Mini Computer  In Computer Fundamental

     4.   Mainframe


It is multi-user computer system, capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously, software technology is different form minicomputer.

Mainframe is very large in size and is an expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously. Mainframe executes many programs concurrently and supports many simultaneously execution of programs.

Mainframe Image In Computer Fundamental

Fig: Mainframe  In Computer Fundamental 


    5.   Supercomputer


It is an extremely fast computer, which can execute hundreds of million of instructions per seconds.

Supercomputer are one of the fastest computer currently available. Super computer are  very expensive and are employed for specialized application that require immense amount of mathematical calculations (number crunching).

supercomputer image in computer fundamental

Fig: Supercomputer  In Computer Fundamental  



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