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Sunday, 19 July 2020

User Define DataType In C++ | Definition Of User Define DataType In C++ | Example Of User Define DataType In C++ | User Define DataType In C++ In Hindi

User Define DataType In C++

User Defined Data type in c++ is a type by which the data can be represented.

As the programming languages allow the user to create their own data types according to their needs. Hence, the data types that are defined by the user are known as user-defined data types.

download image of user define datatype in c++
Fig: Userdatatype in c++

Types of User-Defined Data in C++

1.    Structure

2.    Union

3.    Class

4.    Enumeration

5.    Array

6.    Pointer

7.    Typedef

1. Structure

A structure is defined as a collection of various types of related information under one name. The keyword used for the structure is “struct”.

2. Array

An Array is defined as a collection of homogeneous data. It should be defined before using it for the storage of information. 

3. Union

Just like structures, the union also contain members of different data types. Unions are declared with keyword “union” .

4. Class

A class is an important feature of object-oriented programming language just like C++. A class is defined as a group of objects with the same operations and attributes. It is declared using a keyword “class”. 

5. Enumeration

Enumeration is specified by using a keyword “enum”.

6. Pointer

A Pointer is that kind of user-defined data type that creates variables for holding the memory address of other variables.

7. Typedef

Using the keyword “typedef”, you can define new data type names to the existing ones. 


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