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Sunday, 21 June 2020

Constructor In C++ | Use Of Constructor In C++ | Definition Of Constructor In C++| Feature Of Constructor In C++| Constructor In C++ In Hindi

Constructor In C++

A constructor is a member function of a class which initializes objects of a class. In C++, Constructor is automatically called when object(instance of class) create. It is special member function of the class.

·         Constructor has same name as the class itself

·         Constructors don’t have return type

·         A constructor is automatically called when an object is created.

·   If we do not specify a constructor, C++ compiler generates a default constructor for us (expects no parameters and has an empty body).


image of Constructor In C++ | Constructor In C++ program image

Fig:Constructor In C++


class class name






class name();

data member;

member function;




class BCA



int a,b,c;


BCA();//constructor create

void getdata();


Feature Of Constructor In C++

·        Constructors are the special members of the class which initialize the 

     object of class.

  • A constructor is automatically invoked at the creation of the object.
  • It is generally used to initialize variables.
  • It has the same name as of class.

It does not have any return type(i.e. void, int, etc).




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